WAWI Innovation GmbH is a manufacturer of high-quality chocolate articles for different occasions – beautiful gifts with a high-quality and festively packaging, but also articles for snacking and nibbling.
The combination of different chocolates infused with premium ingredients such as fruits or nuts turn our articles into extraordinary taste experiences.
The WAWI Innovation GmbH has been a part of the WAWI Euro Group since 2016 and is its creative partner. Articles are sold under the brands WAWI as well as Mount Momami. The majority the of the articles are produced for various international trading companies under their own brands. According to the customer’s wishes we develop new concepts, modify or refine them.
We want to develop and establish WAWI Innovation as the leading partner for innovative brands for national and international customers!
We focus on the individual wishes of every single customer. The awareness and knowledge of customer- and market requirements drive the thoughts and actions of our employees. Our market-driven product-innovations open up a niche. Our different and versatile products make us unique. Constant change and development is what we strive for – usually, we are one step ahead of any competitor.
Due to taste, smell, look and packaging, every single article has to be in accordance with the high quality standards of WAWI Innovation. We put great emphasis on quality standards to guarantee superb products for unique moments of joy.
Innovation is our core-philosophy. Constant change and development is our guiding principle.
We are fully aware of our responsibility towards nature and Mother Earth, which is why we use our resources economically and avoid unnecessary waste.
WAWI Innovation GmbH
Laubanger 2
96152 Burghaslach
Fon: +49 (0) 9552 | 9309-0
Fax: +49 (0) 9552 | 9309-15
Im Rahmen einer Ressourceneffizienzberatung NRW wurde eine umfassende Stoffstromanalyse zur Bewertung und Optimierung der Gesamtwirtschaftlichkeit der Herstellungsprozesse mit der Zielsetzung eine Entscheidungsgrundlage für zukünftige Investitionen zur Optimierung der Abläufe und Produktionsanlagen durchgeführt. Dazu wurden auf Basis des Ist-Zustandes mit der PIUS-Check-Methodik der Effizienz-Agentur NRW (VDI-Richtlinie 4075, Blatt 1) Potenziale analysiert und bewertet sowie ökonomisch und ökologisch tragfähige Massnahmen aufgezeigt, berechnet und dargestellt.